Blogger 03/24/2008

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Mr Toda

tags: funny


tags: chess

It's Too Darn Hot  Annotated

tags: no_tag

The race is on to come up with creative solutions. Companies are scouring the globe for new technologies and advantageous locations. Iceland may have the ideal climate; Saudi Arabia may offer the lowest energy costs. Every company in the business is looking to squeeze expenses in hopes of becoming the low-cost producer in the Digital Age.

    Userplane Wordpress Plugin

    tags: plugin, userplane, wordpress

    Robbers nabbed by cops driving getaway taxi | Oddly Enough | Reuters  Annotated

    tags: oddly

    "Obviously not having a getaway vehicle or anything like that and calling a cab is generally not a sign of your most sophisticated criminal," Detective Sergeant Kevin Maher of the Halton Regional Police Service told Reuters.